This is how to make your own homemade safe carpet steam cleaner. It’s very easy to do and we really want to make sure that we take good care of our carpets because they are so expensive, and we want them to last for a long time.

This recipe of making carpet steam cleaning solution uses products were around the house and it’s very easy to do. All you do is start with some good old-fashioned dish soap into a bowl with three tablespoons of dish soap you don’t need to measure because you don’t need to use the exact amount since we’re not cooking or baking.
Add to that one tablespoon of household vinegar white vinegar and then a little bit of household ammonia. You need about 1/4 teaspoon it does have a smell to it, but you don’t have to worry because the dish soap smells even more powerfully and so just quickly hold your breath and use some kind of a beater to stir this up.
You’re going to notice that there’s a lot of foam happening here and once you see that phone at about 1/2 a cup of water and stir that up.
It is very easy to do, and we don’t want to add a lot of water to our carpet so we’re just going to take a white cloth. You don’t want to use a color cloth because you don’t want to put any dies in your carpet take that way.
Clock dip it into the fall and running along the carpet and just wipe and wipe and you’ll notice that the dirt and stains on carpet just disappears sort of like magic. If you don’t want to use this step you can make it even easier for yourself by using a soap dispenser. Take a soap dispenser and put the same amount of ingredients into the dispenser once it’s all in there spray it on to your carpet and use the phone to clean your carpet now that was easy especially cleaning pet’s odours.